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the things we own tell our story

Thomas Ferney & Co.

Crafts Extraordinary Products That Speak

For The Individuals That Own Them.

My name is Christian Handy, and I founded Thomas Ferney & Co in 2010 out of a desire to manufacture the best and most beautiful shotguns for field and target use. Growing up, I was taught an appreciation for fine shotguns and our family history by my father who was an avid wing-shooter and sportsman. Much of that family history centered around my Great Great Grandfather and his adventures as a 19th century whaling ship captain and later merchant and outfitter. Artifacts of his life and legacy where plentiful in my home and they always held a special fascination for me. Through these artifacts of his life, I found a sense of connection to a man I had never met and to my family's history. I was captivated by a feeling that his belongings were, in a way, telling me his story more than a century after he lived.


It is undeniable that our material possessions tell a story about us. They hold meaning for us on various levels and they convey information about our lives. Our possessions paint a portrait of who we are, what is important to us, and where we have been. Some items have the power to ignite vivid memories and give great insight into our personalities. They may even have the power to captivate and influence future generations in the way Thomas Ferney's artifacts captured my imagination and my father's shotguns inspired his love of sport in me.


I chose to pick up the mantel of my Great Grandfather's long forgotten brand and give it new life as a testament to the fact that the highest priority of my company is to help our customers make and pass on their memories. The shotguns and durable goods we design and manufacture today, must and should be my customer's legacy items tomorrow. The goods that my company makes and sells matter.... They are not simple tools only utilitarian in nature, they are much more than that. Our shotguns and our durable goods will be used to create fond memories of days in the field, gatherings with friends and amazing adventures that will mean so much to our customers. 


My highest priority therefore, is making products that will last, that will inspire with their beautiful design and that are timeless enough that they will always be relevant and sought after regardless of the ebbs and flows of fashion. I take pride and satisfaction in every item we deliver to a customer and I thank each and every one of you who has made an investment in one of Thomas Ferney & Co.'s shotguns, gun cases or apparel. Trust that we will remain ready to serve you and we look forward to you sharing your stories with us.




Christian Handy, Founder 

Company logo for Thomas Ferney & Company Shotguns
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